Honey Lodge is a Lakota youth-led social enterprise producing raw honey and natural beeswax products through traditional methods and honoring practices. Addressing the critical honey bee population, our youth focused their efforts by hosting beehives on the ten acre campus.

Originally founded in 2015 by the members of the Bear Horse Thunder Young Men’s Society, Honey Lodge began with the intention to improve the economic development for tribal youth on the Rosebud Indian Reservation in South Dakota. Starting with only three hives, our youth and staff now maintain over 30 hives throughout the year.

By operating under our parent organization Lakota Youth Development (LYD), a 501(c)3 organization, we have had over 100 tribal youth receive entrepreneurial training and apprenticeships.

Through our honey and beeswax products, we are able to honor our winged relatives, Grandmother Earth, and Lakota traditions.

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All of our products are stamped with the American Indian Trademark.

This trademark is given to Native American producers across the country. 

The Intertribal Agriculture Council offers technical support services to their producers as well as advertise our products to other native-owned businesses and as well as publicly owned corporations.